Cybersecurity is top of mind at Axis |
We support cybersecurity throughout the lifecycle of our devices, starting at the most fundamental level of microprocessor and operating system to firmware, and cybersecurity best practices are applied in policies, processes and technologies, from development and production to distribution, implementation and decommissioning. |
Built-in cybersecurity features in Axis products include: |
• Edge Vault – a dedicated chipset for tamper-proof storage of cryptographic keys and sensitive data |
• Axis OS being built with cybersecurity features and kept updated to fix new vulnerabilities |
• Signed firmware to guarantee the firmware is from Axis and hasn’t been compromisedlities |
• Secure boot to block and reject unauthenticated firmware during the boot process |
• Signed video for verifying that video has not been tampered with after leaving the camera |
• Secure communications with HTTPS/SRTP protocols |
There are default security settings in our products for secure access and communication. It’s also easy to upgrade firmware using Axis video management software, AXIS Camera Station and AXIS Companion. |
Meanwhile, you can subscribe to the Axis Security Notification Service for discovered vulnerabilities. We are an approved CVE (Common Vulnerability and Exposures) Numbering Authority. We implement industry best practices in vulnerability management and have a transparent and reliable security patching strategy for Axis products, software and services. |